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Spay/Neuter Services


Save a life! Spay/Neuter your pet!

ARF does not currently have a full-time veterinarian. If we have extra surgery space on our clinic days, we try to offer it to those helping stray or community cats in addition to members of the public overwhelmed with trying to spay/neuter their own cats so we can help control overpopulation. We offer the following packages:

Barn/Feral/Outside cats - $60 includes spay/neuter, rabies vaccine and a required ear tip (this is necessary for anyone to identify this animal is already fixed)

Indoor Cats - Male - $110 includes neuter, rabies and distemper vaccines and a microchip

Indoor Cats - Female - $125 includes spay, rabies and distemper vaccines and a microchip

We also offer some ala carte services such as FELV/FIV testing and flea meds.

If you are still interested and wish to request space on the surgery schedule, please submit the form below:

We are unable to provide any type of medical assistance to stray dogs or dogs belonging to the public. You will need to contact your local human society or animal shelter for help with dogs.

Let’s Work Together

1209 W Riggin Road

Muncie, IN 47303

Tel: 765-282-2733

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